5 Tips for a Sustainable Beauty Routine

Over the past couple of years, organizations have shifted their focus to creating more sustainable products and services. Considering how 20 to 40 percent of beauty products end up in the trash each year, the beauty industry was not far behind other companies in releasing sustainable alternatives to the market. If you’ve been planning to change your routine to something more eco-friendly, now is the perfect time to start. Below, you’ll find information about what exactly sustainability means in the beauty industry as well as five tips for a sustainable beauty routine. 

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What Is “Sustainability” in the Beauty Industry?

To put it simply, sustainability in the beauty industry means creating natural skincare products that have minimal influence on the environment. This includes working with local suppliers to source raw materials to reduce energy consumption during transportation. It might also mean using recyclable packaging materials instead of the typical single-use plastics we find. A company can significantly reduce its carbon footprint from production to distribution by making these simple changes.

Tips for a Sustainable Beauty Routine

Starting a green beauty routine is one of the simplest and most empowering sustainability methods available. By voluntarily making small positive changes to your beauty regimen, you can inspire both yourself and others to continue using sustainable practices in your everyday life. If you don’t know where to start, here are five tips for a sustainable beauty routine: 

Switch to Reusable Cotton Rounds

Reusable cotton rounds look like normal cotton rounds, only they’re washable and can be reused dozens of times before they need to be discarded. They’re plastic-free and last a long time, so you’re reducing your consumption as well as saving yourself money just by making a simple change. 

If you choose a cotton round made of natural fibers, such as Me Mother Earth’s reusable hemp cotton rounds, you don’t worry about it lingering in dump sites for too long. These reusable cotton rounds are made entirely of biodegradable materials. You can toss them in a composting bin once they reached the end of their life, where they will naturally break down without affecting the planet. 

Work With What You Have

The most common mistake people make when shifting to eco-friendly products is getting rid of their old stuff all at once. It might seem like the most sensible act; after all, these products potentially carry harmful ingredients and use non-sustainable packaging. Unfortunately, immediately replacing your old harsh cleanser with a new gentle cleanser won’t make any significant difference to the betterment of the environment. It can even make it worse due to the amount of waste you’ll be adding. 

Experts encourage using up all the products you have before buying any replacements. However, if you have a skin condition or medical issues that prevent you from continuing to use these products, one way to avoid throwing them away is to gift them to someone else who might need it. You might also consider selling it online for a fraction of its original price. 

Ask About Refills

Refillable packaging heavily decreases the amount of single-use plastics in the beauty industry. This is why many beauty brands like Glow Recipe and Milk Makeup have adjusted their production to include refillable products in their lineups. As a result, eco-friendly consumers feel more inclined to purchase their products than other brands. 

Here at Dune, we strive to provide our customers with the best products and experiences. As such, we’re looking into ways we can start offering product refills to our consumers nationwide. Stay updated on our latest news and development by following us on our Instagram @dune_giftandhome.

Be Mindful of Your Water Usage

Water is a precious resource that many people unconsciously take for granted. After all, the earth is covered in water in all directions. However, this way of thinking is what’s slowly causing the planet to collapse. 

Around 3% of the earth’s water is fresh. About 2.5% of this resource is locked up in glaciers and ice caps, making them inaccessible. That leaves only 0.5% for everyone to share. As the population increases every year, this nearly isn’t enough to sustain human life as we know it. 

The simple act of turning off the faucet when you’re not using it to wash your hands or face can go a long way in preserving the world’s clean water supply. Other things you can start doing to preserve more water are taking shorter showers, checking home utilities for leaks, or installing water-saving shower heads in your bathroom.

Use Reusable Shopping Bags

You need to be proactive about practicing sustainability. Instead of relying solely on manufacturers using reusable packaging for their products, you should also start using reusable items such as shopping bags and cleaning materials in your routines. 

If you’re going out to buy new skincare products or makeup, bring a reusable shopping bag with you. You can put everything you purchase from the store in your reusable bag instead of a plastic or paper bag. 

Final Thoughts

You don’t necessarily need to make drastic changes to your lifestyle after deciding to live more sustainably. The most effective way to maintain a sustainable lifestyle is to take it one step at a time, so you don’t feel overwhelmed or frustrated. Take your time in adjusting to the changes that are happening to your routines. Give yourself space to properly accept new, healthier habits. 

Written by content writer Katie Pierce

Read more from Katie on Natural skin care here

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