Staycation Necessities


We’re in a strange time right now. Over the past few weeks, more information about the severity of COVID-19 has come out, and states across the country have taken action. Here in Wisconsin, the writing was on the wall early, and we chose to close Dune for the time being (you can still buy our wares in our online shop!) in the best interest of our customers and their families. Like Dune, many shops have closed, restaurants have gone to takeout or delivery only, and Spring Break vacations have been cancelled in favor of social distancing and staying in. 

We know what a trying time this is for many families, particularly those with young children who can’t quite grasp what’s going on. A long awaited vacation could have represented designated time for making memories and taking a well-deserved break.

It’s been difficult for us to wrap our heads around the situation, but we’ve recently turned a corner and started looking for the silver linings in the coronavirus cloud. 

This coming weekend - what if you made the most of your “staycation”? What if you decided not to go about your day as usual, but make it feel more like a mini vacation? You could add a sense of normalcy to a very abnormal situation, and make some memories while you’re at it. Are you in? 

Staycation necessities

If you’re on board with this idea, and you are looking for a few things to make your staycation feel a little extra special, we have a few suggestions.

Soothing skincare

This staycation is about you just as much as it is about your family. Adding a face mask, a hydrating mist, or a new oil into your routine can give you that sense of comfort that you were craving from some time away. Allow yourself to pamper your skin, and breathe deeply. You’re home, and you’re doing all that you can.


Fresh scents

There’s something about vacation that is closely associated with fragrance. Whether your ideal Spring Break would have been somewhere warm and tropical, or hidden away in a forest in the mountains, find a candle that mimics that memory and light it in your home. You’ll find that it takes you there mentally, and puts you in a staycation state of mind.


Scrunchie in a bright color

This one’s more of a treat yourself moment, but we think you deserve it. Throw your hair up (who has time to style their hair if they’re not leaving the house?) into a messy bun, or use your new scrunchie to fasten the end of your braid. 


Notebook for your big ideas

Downtime is one of the most creative times - use it to your advantage! This staycation could produce some of your best ideas. Start out by journaling about your experience, and art may follow.


Though it may feel strange to look for positivity in this strange time, adding a staycation to your weekend plans could keep you from falling in a rut. We’d love to see how you spend your staycation! If you share a photo on Facebook or Instagram, please feel free to tag us and share your experience.

LifestyleEmma Leuman