The Difference Between Face Oils and Serums


It’s funny how fast trends change. In the last chapter of our lives, it seemed like makeup was king, that women who were interested in beauty would scramble to buy the latest palette or be a part of a liquid lipstick launch. Only a few years later, we’re seeing women and men take a skincare-first approach to beauty, focusing on key ingredients that can encourage and maintain the health of their skin. No matter the age group, it seems like we’re all finally embracing our true beauty and looking for ways to highlight it instead of covering it up.

One way to do just that is by curating a skincare routine. Now, we’re all for a simpler approach - you won’t catch us with a 12-step routine. Skincare, for us, is more about finding those few key products that have ingredients that work for your skin, instead of against it. It’s about identifying the concerns you may have and finding the solutions in a few simple steps.

That’s why, when we’re researching potential products, we’re often overwhelmed by the number of marketing terms out there. Solutions, essences, moisturizers, creams, serums, masks, toners, oils, actives...who can keep up? Do we really need all of these products in order to have glowing, healthy skin? We didn’t think so.

Today, we’re breaking down the key differences between two of our most-used products, serums and oils, to take away the marketing madness and give you some guidance as to whether they would work in your return.


The Difference Between Face Oils and Serums

Differentiating between face oils and serums at first glance isn’t very easy. Their packaging is often similar, because their viscosity is just as similar, and they can be called a number of different names interchangeably - everything from an essence to a primer. The difference at their core lies in what they can do for your skin.


Serums are created with specific treatments in mind. They can contain active ingredients like glycolic acid, salicylic acid, vitamin C, and retinol, ingredients that can significantly improve the texture, tone, and health of your skin. At a molecular level, serums have much smaller molecules than face oils, which allows them to penetrate deeper into the layers of your skin and make a greater impact, helping your skin get over breakouts and increase cell turnover which can slow signs of aging.

Face oils

Face oils, meanwhile, have large molecules, which makes them excellent moisturizers and protectors against environmental damage. They work in the outermost layers of the skin to provide the skin with lipids which it needs to remain hydrated and plump. One thing to keep an eye out for when you’re choosing a face oil is the percentage of essential oils that are in the formulation. Some essential oils can be irritating in large amounts, so do your research before making a purchase, and always patch test on a less sensitive part of your skin!

When you’re looking for the next product to add to your routine, ask yourself what you’re hoping the outcome will be. If you’re looking for more moisture and a bit of a glow, a face oil could be what you’re missing. If you want to see a major difference in your skin, whether that’s lightening dark spots, evening tone, or reducing texture, we’d recommend seeking out a serum. Look past the marketing terms used to describe the product and head straight to the ingredients. Are there active ingredients or acids listed on the label? If so, it’s likely that you’re checking out a serum, not a face oil. 

Do you think a face oil or a serum would work better in your routine? We’re partial to pairing them together (using the serum first and finishing with a facial oil), but to each their own! Share your favorite products with us in the comments!